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Ha Mochebelele

In memory of ...

This page has been developed in memory of all family members who have come and gone. It is said that people leave this world when it is their time to do so while others leave prematurely. But neither you or I have a right to question God's will.

We remember our grand-parents, parents, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces with the gallery below. Their journey through life might have been short but was meaningful.

Tlaba Mochebelele Leqosa Mochebelele Thato Mochebelele Mamokete Mochebelele Toiso Mochebelele Mamokete Mochebelele Lingaka Mochebelele
1965-1986 1959-1998 2005-2006 1935-2010 1966-2010 1961-2012 19??-2012