Welcome to the re-invented and the enhanced home of Bafokeng ba ha Tsele. In the 2012 version of our family website I have decided to dropped the 'our religion', 'our artits' and 'our special days' links and incorporated them indirectly in different webpages throughout the site. The links have also been renamed by dropping the 'our' prefix from each link name. I have also included navigation links, including photos, to the right of each page. Take a tour with us as we go down memory lane over a time period that spans almost a century.
Feel free to browse around our site. If you have comments or questions please click the link, site survey, to open and complete the survey form. You can alternatively click the link, contact us, for contact details. To learn more about the website and its developer, visit the about us page. Please see the site disclaimer for the Terms and Conditions of the use of the information in this website.
Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy your stay.